Ch. 5, Peter Linford, “Deeds of Power: Respect for Religion in STDS9”

How does Linford explain Bajoran religion in terms of its theology and behavior?

According to scholars, how does sci-fi generally portray or characterize religion?

How does the feel or style of TNG differ from DS9 and why does this influence how each series addresses religion?

What’s the author’s point about Sisko’s struggle with his role as Emissary?


Geraghty, Ch. 4

How did science fiction film changed from the 1970s to the 80s?

According to Geraghty, how does “*batteries not included” reflect some of the social and political values of the Reagan 1980s?

What can the cyborg films tell us about American society in the 80s?

How did the nature of TV and competing forms of entertainment lead to new kinds of SF shows?

What helped make Star Trek: The Next Generation succeed?
What did the Borg represent?